EKOAB (European Union Research and Application Center)

Our European Union Related Publications



Alexander Bürgin (2018) The impact of Juncker's reorganization of the European Commission on the internal policy-making process: Evidence from the Energy Union project, Public Administrationhttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/padm.12388/abstract

Alexander Bürgin (2018) Intra- and Interinstitutional Leadership of the Commission President: An Assessment of Juncker’s Organisational Reforms, Journal of Common Market Studies 56(4): 837-53, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jcms.12648.

Alexander Bürgin (2018) Despite growing alienation between Turkey and the EU: A continuation of the accession process remains the best option, Orient 59(3): 24-32, http://www.orient-online.com/issues/ORIENT-III/2018



Alexander Bürgin (2017) Internal Coordination and legitimating strategies: assessing the influence of individual Commissioners in the policy formulation process, Journal of European Integration 39(1): 1-15, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07036337.2016.1253692.

Alexander Bürgin (2017) Turkey’s New Asylum Law: A Case of EU Influence, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 19(2):121-35, (with D. Aşıkolu), http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19448953.2015.1099277.

Alexander Bürgin (2017) Turkey and Justice and Home Affairs: Mutual Interests but High Distrust, in: A.Ripoll and F. Trauner (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Justice and Home Affairs ResearchRoutledge (Oxford)https://www.ies.be/files/Handbook%20of%20JHA%20Research_Table%20of%20Contents.pdf.

Alexander Bürgin (2017) Die Türkei als Stabilisierungspartner trotz wachsender Distanz? in: P.C. Müller Graff, EU-NachbarschaftspolitikNomos (Baden-Baden)http://www.nomos-shop.de/M%C3%BCller-Graff-EU-Nachbarschaftspolitik-Nordafrika-Nahost/productview.aspx?product=35329

Alexander Bürgin (2017) Social Dimension: Tangible Results for Citizens must be EU’s focus, Euractiv, 31.7., https://www.euractiv.com/section/future-eu/opinion/tangible-results-for-citizens-must-be-eus-focus/

C.Erişen , Ç.Kentmen-Çin (2017) Tolerance and perceived threat toward Muslim immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands.
European Union Politics , Vol. 18, No. 1, 73-97.

Ç.Kentmen-Çin , C.Erişen (2017) Anti-immigration attitudes and the opposition to European integration: A critical assessment.
European Union Politics , Vol. 18, No. 1, 3-25.

Z.Taydaş , Ç.Kentmen-Çin (2017) Who is Afraid of EU Enlargement? A Multilevel Comparative Analysis.
Political Research Quarterly , Vol. 70, No. 3, 604-617.

Ç.Kentmen-Çin (2017) What about Ambivalence and Indifference? Rethinking the Effects of European Attitudes on Voter Turnout in European Parliament Elections. JCMS: Journal Of Common Market Studies , Vol. 55, No. 6, 1343-1359.



Alexander Bürgin (2016) Book Review, Europe’s long energy journey: towards an energy union, International Affairs 92(6): 1542-43, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1468-2346.12772/full.

Alexander Bürgin (2016) Book Review, The new intergovernmentalism: states and supranational actors in post-Maastricht era, Global Affairs 2(3): 371-73.

Alexander Bürgin (2016) Why Persons of Turkish Origin leave Germany and how they feel in Germany, in: R. Nadler (Hrsg.) Return Migration and Regional Development in Europe, 291-308, Palgrave (London)http://www.palgrave.com/de/book/9781137575081.



Ç.Kentmen-Çin (2015) Participation in social protests: Comparing Turkey with EU patterns. Journal Of Southeast European And Black Sea Studies , Vol. 15, No. 3, 223-237.



Alexander Bürgin (2014) Warum verlassen türkeistämmige Personen mit deutschem Schulabschluss das Land?, in: S. Alscher/A. Krienbrink (Hrsg.) Return Migration from Germany to TurkeyFederal Government of Germany (Berlin), https://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Publikationen/Beitragsreihe/beitrag-band-6-abwanderung-tuerkeistaemmiger.pdf?__blob=publicationFile.

C.Kentmen Çin (2014) Explaining willingness to use the European Citizens’ Initiative: Political cynicism, anti-EU attitudes, and voting weight of member states. Comparative European Politics , Vol. 12, No. 3, 301-318.


Alexander Bürgin (2013) Die lange Reise bis zur Reisefreiheit: Eine Analyse der Verhandlungen zwischen der EU und der Türkei über die Abschaffung der Visapflicht für Türken, Südosteuropa 61(2), 219-43, http://www.hsozkult.de/journal/id/zeitschriftenausgaben-7762.

C.Kentmen Çin (2013) Blaming the Government for Environmental Problems: A Multilevel and Cross-National Analysis of the Relationship Between Trust in Government and Local and Global Environmental Concerns. Environment & Behavior , Vol. 45, No. 8, 971-992.



Alexander Bürgin (2012) Abwanderungsmotive türkeistämmiger Pesonen mit deutschem Schulabschluss: Ergebnisse einer Online Umfrage) in B.Pusch (Hrsg.) Transnationale Migration am Beispiel Deutschland und TürkeiSpringer VS (Wiesbaden), http://www.springer.com/de/book/9783531191768.

Ç.Kentmen Çin (2012) Comparing Individual Attitudes about EU Membership in Turkey and in Post-communist Central and Eastern European Countries. All Azimuth , 5-18.

F.Başkan , S.B.Gümrükçü. (2012) Positions of Turkish political parties on European integration. Southeast European And Black Sea Studies , Vol. 12, No. 1, 25-44.



A.Carkoglu , C.Kentmen (2011) Diagnosing Trends and Determinants in Public Support for Turkey’s EU Membership. South European Society And Politics , Vol. 16, No. 3, 365-379.

S.H.Akdede , C.Kentmen (2011) Income Inequality and Voter Fractionalization: An Empirical Study of 16 Multi-party European Democracies.
Australian Journal Of Political Science , Vol. 46, No. 3, 425-436.



Alexander Bürgin (2010) Cosmopolitan Entrapment: The failed strategies to reverse Turkey’s EU membership eligibility, Perspectives. Review of International Affairs 18(2): 33-56, https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/137781/02_10full.pdf.

C.Kentmen (2010) Bases of Support for the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy: Gender, Attitudes toward Economic Integration and Attachment to Europe. International Political Science Review , Vol. 31, No. 3, 1-15, ISBN: 0192-5121.

C.Kentmen (2010) Mass Media Use and Citizens’ Knowledge about the EU: The Turkish Case. Turkish Studies , Vol. 11, No. 4, 625-641.



C.Kentmen (2008) Determinants of Support for EU Membership in Turkey Islamic Attachments, Utilitarian Considerations and National Identity. European Union Politics , Vol. 9, No. 4, 487-510, ISBN: 1465-1165.


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